Hundreds of years ago Paramao Root Oil was discovered on two small islands on the Indonesian Archipelago. Considering there are more than  17,000 islands that constitute Indonesia, this makes Paramao Root Oil very rare indeed!! 

The Paramao Tree that the oil is derived from, was then known as the Lawang Tree. As the story is told, over four hundred years ago, a villager discovered that if a leaf, root or bark from a particular plant was rubbed on to his swollen and painful joints, he received considerable relief. It wasn't long before the villagers discovered the art of distilling the oil from the leaves, bark and root of this plant, which was to become known as the Paramao Tree. As the tree was unique to their two islands, it gave them a very valuable product with which to barter among other islands.

Over a period of time they discovered other uses for the oil. By gently massaging oil into the forehead, the pain of headaches was greatly reduced and by applying a small amount to an aching tooth again relief was found. In the case of colds and symptoms of flu, they would rub oil on their chests and add a few drops of oil to boiling water and then inhale the steam. But the main use was and still is for the relief of pain caused by Arthritis and Muscular Ailments. Through word of mouth Paramao Root Oil became available throughout Indonesia.  

Paramao Root Oil is a natural product from a tree and almost impossible to replicate artificially. The source of this oil is a very jealously guarded secret by the villagers and by the current manufacturer that produces it. Paramao oil is not distributed commercially in Indonesia, ie: in stores, chemists, etc.

Paramao Root Oil has been analysed by one of Australia's leading laboratories to check for any impurities and has been found safe for use by both humans and animals. 

What can Paramao oil be used for?

Paramao Root Oil - Thought to be the MOST Unique and Versatile Topical Oil Treatment Available. People have said Paramao Root Oil has been beneficial in the relief of:

* Arthritis 

* Muscle Stiffness

* Muscle Pain

* Sporting Injuries

* Burns and Sunburn 

* Headaches 

* Toothaches 

* Coughs and Colds 

* Asthma

* Mosquito and Insect Bites (and Mosquito Repellent) 

* Cuts, Wounds and Rashes 

* Psoriasis (some forms depending on severity)

* Eczema (some forms depending on severity)

* Dermatitis

* Fibromyalgia 

* Polymyalgia

* MS Pain

*Wart Removal

*Asthma - sufferers have found if placed in their nebuliser at night it improves breathing

*Sleep - assists in improving sleep



Not only is this amazing oil, our furry friends can also benefit from it.

If your furry friend has sore spots, licks their feet, or has a rash, Paramao can provide some relief .